The program is locked to your computer and it does not work in Virtual Machines.
Before you request a key please disconnect any usb drives from your system, run the programs as administrator and exclude it from antivirus ( defender) scanner.
Please make sure you select a license.dat(from patch 7z) on install of the program, if you don’t then after it’s registration you will get an error.
Beware: ODIS Service 24.0.x / 24.3 works only on Windows 10 or more and only with VAS6154 genuine devices or with passthru interfaces.
Users reported that red VNCI 6154 chinese clone also works ok after firmware upgrade.
Download links will be sent only after payment is done by PM or email.
Note: Because of the new protection system used by VAG from version 23.1.x and up, the automatic ID of a car by VIN it is not working anymore offline.
You will have to select it manually. On auto ID you will receive an error without proper VAG authentification.